How To Protect Yourself While Working With Diesel Fuel In The Workplace

21 October 2014
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


Diesel exhaust is made up of many harmful elements including carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur. It is most often created by diesel engines but can also be caused by the burning of propane. Just about everyone breathes in a little diesel exhaust from time to time, as it can happen even as you drive down the highway. It's usually only dangerous if you must stay in an area close to the source of the exhaust for a prolonged period of time. If your job entails you using propane or diesel fuel from a company like Ferrell Fuel Co Inc to power heavy machinery, keep these safety tips in mind.

Keep the Area Well Ventilated

The reason diesel exhaust does not do that much damage out on the open road is that people do not have to breathe it for any significant amount of time. But if you work in a building where there is a constantly supply of diesel exhaust being created for one reason or another, you need to take steps to make sure the exhaust doesn't linger. Add interior fans to the room you are working in to keep the exhaust from staying near you. Ideally, machinery that creates diesel exhaust should only be used in a large room or one with lots of windows and ventilation.

Ask for Safety Equipment

You have a right as a worker to speak up and ask your employer to protect you from the dangers of diesel exhaust. You may be able to get a face mask that you can wear to stem how much of the exhaust you are inhaling. Also consider a pair of safety goggles to protect your eyes if you have to be close to it. If you become lightheaded while working near diesel exhaust, inform your employer immediately and remove yourself from the area.

Make Sure Your Diesel Fuel is Stored Properly

Diesel fluid should be kept in sealed containers at all times. The area should be kept clean and any flammable materials should be kept out of the area. When transporting diesel fluid to the machinery, use caution and ensure that the seal stays on until you arrive at the spot where it will be used. Report any breaches in safety protocol to your employer immediately.

Diesel exhaust can be dangerous when inhaled but you can minimize risk by following some safety tips. Keep the area where you will be generating the exhaust well ventilated. Your employer has an obligation to provide you with a safe work environment, so don't be afraid to speak up if you discover trouble. Using safety equipment like a face mask or goggles can help protect you from the exhaust fumes.